9 Quick Ways to Stop Your Macbook Overheating

Does your MacBook sound like an airplane taking off as soon as you boot it up? Does it feel like you could fry an egg on it? Do you sometimes notice your MacBook starts to run slow and will often take a long time to respond? If this sounds familiar, you should fix this problem as soon as possible! But how?

Now let’s have a look over some of the simplest methods to fix the battery overheating issue of your MacBook. Take a deep dive in!

01 Restart Your Mac

The simple technique of restarting your Mac may miraculously stop it from overheating. If your Mac has been running for too long, it is possible that it accumulates too many background activities. Restarting your Mac at this point can terminate all those activities and processes that cause overheating. Restarting is like refreshment for electronic devices, and your Mac is not excluded.

02 Check the Vents of Your Mac

Check the vents of your Mac and make sure that they are free from dusts. When dusts accumulate around the vents of your Mac, they can block the vents from allowing the circulation of air. In this case, you should take your Mac to an authorized engineer to professionally clean the vents.

03 Make Sure Your Room Is Well Ventilated

Sometimes, we can liken our electronic devices to our bodies. These gadgets and electronics give you their best at the right temperature. Therefore, wherever you decide to use your Mac, be it your bedroom, sitting room or office, make sure that it is well ventilated. You can do this by tuning the air conditioner to the right temperature, or opening the windows to allow free and fresh air in. 10 to 30 degree Celsius is okay for your Mac to run smoothly without overheating.

04 Use the Official Mac Adapter

If you damaged your in-box adapter recently, and you bought a new one from an unauthorized store, chances are that the adapter will not be compatible with your Mac. If you use an incompatible adapter with your system, apart from damaging your battery, it can also cause your Mac to overheat. It is always best to replace any part of your Mac, including the adapter from an official and authorized Apple store. They are professionals that will give you an original adapter that will work perfectly with your Mac.

05 Update Your Mac

We tend to overlook the impact of system updates on our Mac; but the truth is, each new system update comes with security patches and bug fixes that will improve the general performance of your system. When you fail to update your system, everything becomes old and stale, with junks residing in unwanted places on your system. All these, put together, cause your system to lag and overheat in the long run. To avoid this, simply go to your system’s settings and make sure that all the drives and software components are up to date.

06 Clear Your CPU

You may have too many apps that run in the background, or run at startup, eating up your CPU resources. To remedy this, try to abort and terminate the activities, especially the ones that are not important. Doing this will reduce the tasks on your CPU that are causing your Mac to overheat. You can also select the apps that will run at startup.

07 Clear Junks and Remove Malwares

Over time, when we use our systems, they accumulate junks that can have a negative impact on the general performance of our macs. Also, some websites we visit install malicious apps on our systems without our consent. With one tap, you can remove all these unwanted junks and malicious apps from your Mac with Cleaner apps. The app allows you to selectively and safely delete junk files to get your Mac performing at its peak without overheating.

08 Never block the air vents

No matter how tempting, it’s a bad idea to use a MacBook in bed or to put it on your lap or stomach. When you do this, you cover the air vents and stop the fans from cooling down the processor.

So the easiest way to prevent overheating is to use your MacBook on a hard, flat surface, giving it plenty of ventilation. A desk or a table will do far better than your lap.

09 Reset the System Management Controller (SMC)

If your Mac is still overheating after doing all of the above, then it is time to reset the SMC. This is usually the last on the list of things to do when your Mac won’t stop overheating before considering paying Apple store a visit.

If Nothing Has Worked: Contact a Trusted MacBook Repair Centre

This is an extensive guide listing some of the ways users can solve the MacBook overheating problems on their own. However, it isn’t necessary that it will solve the MacBook heating issue for every user. If you are still facing a heating issue in your MacBook, you should contact a reliable MacBook repair centre around you.

If you don’t have a repair centre nearby, you can contact iFixers. They have tied-up with delivery partners to pick-up the damaged device from your home, fix it, and deliver it to your doorstep. Their team of expert super-techies are experienced in working with MacBook Air and Pro overheating issues and will fix the device properly to make it work like new. To get your Mac overheating problem resolved, contact us now.

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